Friday, 21 June 2013

Type of Franchises

Franchise generally means a right or privilege. Booster Juice provides three types of Business programs:
1)      Single store Franchise: In the single store franchise you can open one store at the location of your choice and it will cost you about 30,000 dollars and you must pay it as a lump when you sign the franchise agreement. The company will build the entire infrastructure and will supply you with the furniture, accessories, inventory, etc. And you will have to pay for all of these.
2)      Conversion franchise: In conversion franchise if you run a similar type of business and you wish to convert it to Booster Juice it can be done in only 15,000 dollars and you old location will be re-designed by the company.
3)      Regional Development Agreement: In regional development agreement rights are given to a person or an organisation to open a specified number of franchises in a given geographical area. The cost varies from about 110,000 to 600,000

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